![]() (ORIGINALLY POSTED ON AUG 6, 2010) Hi Everyone, today I found myself replying to a comment stream on the Local Newspapers website. ECC Christian church is considering the prospect of starting a school founded on Christian principles offering an excellent standard of education. Here is my last reply. Click here to view the whole article.
“Dear adpikett, I am surprised that you have been so negative from the outset regarding this new school despite Mr Gareth Morgan’s assurance to provide an “excellent secondary school education” (including an excellent science education). It seems to me that your objection is lead by your religious and humanistic evolutionary convictions rather than your concern for the community or even education. May I remind you that this website is for those who wish to comment on whether setting up an excellent school in Newark is necessary/required and NOT how it affects your religious worldview (evolution)! It appears that your comments were not just unhelpful but indeed insulting (see your post dated 23/07/2010 10:29am referring to Mr Gareth Morgan as “misguided amateurs”). As parents that were forced to send our children outside Newark for education, I welcome the idea of having a local school that focuses on excellence (in every area of the National Curriculum)! “Earth is 4000 years old….” Dear adpikett, regarding your comments that Christians believe that the “Earth is 4000 years old and dinosaurs died in Noah’s flood” (see your post on 23/07/2010 10:29am). Christians/Creationists DO NOT say that the Earth is 4000 years old nor do they say that all dinosaurs died in Noah’s flood (this is an argument that I would like to discuss in my debate offer below). However, my short response to this comment will be similar to YOUR response to JNicholas (see your post 26/07/2010): “If you are trying to prove a point, why not pick something that supports your argument?”. In this case I will add: Why not pick on something that Christians/Creationists actually DO say? By the way, even if Christians were to claim this, then please note what evolutionists teach: We all came from a ROCK! Here is what the textbook says: “4.6billion years ago the Earth cooled down [ROCK] and formed a rocky crust [ROCK]…Earth’s surface was hot [ROCK!] and there were large pools of bubbling lava [melted ROCK]…oceans formed as it rained on the rocks [ROCK] for millions of years…swirling in the waters of the oceans is a bubbling broth of complex chemicals soup to a living organism [from ROCK]” (Holt Earth Science 1994 p. 280 & 281). Sorry, I only have the American textbook version. I’m sure evolution took place the same way in USA as it did in the UK though – lol. Please check your hypothesis before criticising other theories because it seems to me that you “strain at a gnat but swallow a camel” (Matthew 23:24) – lol. By the way, I LOVE science! But evolution has NOTHING to do with science, it’s just a worldview. Having said that, please note that I don’t mind the teaching of evolution! I only mind when humanists promote the evolution theory as science. It’s nothing more than just a humanistic worldview (religion). Check out the religion of the Humanist Manifesto it spells out evolution! “‘Christian’ group starting a school” Dear adpikett, JNicholas said that “School and education as a whole in this country was started by the Church” (posted on 25/07/2010). In response you described JNicholas in your post 26/07/2010 as “disingenuous”. Again strong words adpikett! It sounds like you have a lot of religious anger and hatred stored. Perhaps evolution has not been very generous in providing virtues such as patients, love and kindness :). What JNicholas was trying to tell you was that the Christians started the school in this country. The original Greek word for Church was Ekklesia which meant “the called out ones” or “the body of Christian believers”. It was therefore the Christian believers who started education in most of Europe (check out Wikipedia – History Of Education Europe and Wikipedia – History Of Education) What’s even more interesting is that Edward VI (who YOU claim to have stared education as opposed to Christians) was a devout Christian – lol (History on the net). Therefore, once again, IT WAS THE CHRISTIANS WHO STARTED THE EDUCATION IN THIS COUNTRY AND ACROSS MOST OF EUROPE – Lol. What’s even more interesting is that it was mostly run by Bible believing Christians. Dear adpikett , I sincerely and politely ask you to refrain from insults in future contributions especially when you are not correct 🙂 “The world has about 2.5% atheist population” JNicholas claimed that “The world has about 2.5% atheist population” on 25/07/2010. Dear adpikett, you appear to have objected strongly in your post 26/07/2010. Although I’m not sure what point you were making, I would like to explain this statement to you. “Atheist” means “Someone who does not believe in the existence of a god” (Oxford American Dictionary). Therefore, an atheist is a person who does not believe that God exists. Tell me something dear adpikett; how could ANYBODY know the non-existence of ANYTHING? In order for an atheist to be right, he/she/you will have to know EVERYTHING, not just in this dimension, but in ANY dimension within all time, space and matter. Therefore, by definition NO ONE can be an atheist, just agnostic. I wonder whether you call yourself an atheist. If you do, I recommend you convert to agnostic, it’s more accurate but just as inexcusable :). This is fun 🙂 I’ll keep going… “Curriculum for England” Dear adpikett, you accused the ECC (in your post 23/07/2010) that “They will NOT be teaching ‘discussion about various theories surrounding the beginning of our planet’ in their science curriculum”. I believe that you are mistaken. In fact I recommend that ECC teach all the various theories surrounding the beginning of our planet particular that of the evolution theory. It is important that the students know what scientific “evidence” exists that supports this theory :). They should be explained that it’s a theory and NOT a fact pointing out any empirical science that does or doesn’t support it. Students should be educated with the different available options and let them make their own choice with intelligence (not indoctrination). Don’t you agree? “They keyword is not choice, its ‘legal requirement’” Dear adpikett, you said in your post dated 23/07/2010 that the ECC “must teach evolution accordance with the National Curriculum for England that requires students at Key Stage 4 (14-16) to be taught…They keyword is not choice, its ‘legal requirement.’”. It appears that your humanistic intolerance is shining through again :). Please re-read the main article on this website which says “Free schools would not have to follow the national curriculum but would need to provide a broad and balanced education”. In case it was missed, it said “would not have to follow”. I hope the “legal requirement” is clear in this statement :). It appears to me that it is YOU who wants to force a religious worldview on students 🙁 Nevertheless, as explained above, I totally endorse the teaching of evolution (that you fear will be missed out) so that students are educated and not brainwashed by religious evolutionists who claim that this hypothesis (disguised as science) is a fact and confuse students. “…creation stories are made up…” Dear adpikett, on 29/07/2010 HumanTriangle’s asked “Maybe you can enlighten me on how the world really did come about and present it as undeniable fact and undisputable proof”. Your response on 30/07/2010 was “Maybe someone can give me any proof that a deity of any kind exists…”. It appears that you are missing the point here. Christians who believe the Biblical account of creation do not claim that it’s science (although science does not disprove it and in many case it supports it – check out www.halos.com). They are happy to accept and teach it as a faith and belief system. On the other hand, evolutionists will have us believe that this hypothesis of evolution is based on science and scientific evidence. That’s where I STRONGLY disagree because evolution is nothing but a humanistic worldview (religion). Therefore, the burden of SCIENTIFIC proof lies in your court. So, HumanTriangle does not have to prove God….but YOU, on the other hand, HAVE to prove your theory….or get rid of it (if science is what really counts). The fact that you responded to HumanTriangle’s request of proof as “no, not at this time” suggests that “at this time” we should only consider this theory as a faith (or indeed more accurately: religion), and certainly not science! Offer for private/public debate If you have the urge to respond to my comments (which I will welcome and look forward to), I am happy to continue on a more appropriate Internet website (privately or publicly depending on whether you are genuinely interested in knowing the true answers re Creation vs Evolution). Seeing this website is setup for the sole purpose of validating or discussing the benefits of opening a new school with high education standards, the subject of Creation vs. Evolution discussion would be inappropriate here. This way, it will not clutter this site with unnecessary posts. Conclusion I hope my post was received well as my intention was only to correct some inaccurate statements (deliberately or accidentally) made that were not very helpful for the cause of starting a new school. Rest assured Mr Gareth Morgan is a very intelligent and educated person who has Newark’s interest at heart led by his strong convictions to do what is good and right. Having this school will only give more options for parents who simply wish to provide a better education for their children. I cannot imagine why anyone would object to it. God bless you all, particularly adpikett” God Bless, John Harris Comments are closed.